Tyndall Air Force Base Zone 1
Tyndall AFB, FL
The Zone 1 F-35A Flight Line project is located on Tyndall Air Force Base and consists of eleven (11) individual building and site facilities: three (3) Aircraft Maintenance Unit Hangars, a Weapons Load Training (WLT) Hangar, a Flight Simulator (SIM) Facility, an Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) Building, a Headquarter (HQ) Building, a Maintenance Squadron (MXS) Complex, a Maintenance Fuel Cell (FC) Hangar, a Corrosion Control Facility (CCF), a Stormwater Management Facility, and associated pavements and site civil.
Southern Earth Sciences, Inc. (SES) performed subsurface investigations and geotechnical engineering evaluations throughout each of the building/facility locations for the project to provide site preparation and foundation recommendations. Square footage of all buildings combined totals more than 495,000 square foot and includes a 5.1-acre stormwater pond. SES performed 68 cone penetrometer test (CPT) soundings, thirteen soil borings using standard penetration tests (SPT,) and 18 SCPT (CPTu sounding with shear wave velocity measurements) throughout the entire project site totaling more than 4,405 feet.