Construction Materials Testing
Thyssen Krupp Steel Mill
New Plant Facility – Calvert, AL
Southern Earth Sciences, Inc. (SES) worked on multiple subcontracts for the construction of the Thyssen Krupp Steel Mill in Calvert, Ala.
SES provided services for the initial site rough grading contract, which included the clearing and grubbing of approximately 1,400 acres; stripping approximately 2,300,000 cy of topsoil; and placing the stripped top soil in berms to create a line of sight and sound barriers; undercutting approximately 450,000 cy of undesirable materials, and 4,000,000 cy of compacted fill.
SES also provided pile installation monitoring services for over 75,000 Augercast and Dewaal Piles; and concrete testing services for this 4.6 billion dollar project.