Port of Panama City
Vibracore Project – Panama City, FL
The Port of Panama City requested soil samples be obtained along the south and west bulkheads of St. Andrews Bay to perform the required laboratory/analytical testing for dredging.
Based upon bathometric surveys, the elevations within the proposed dredge area ranged from approximately -28 to -38 feet, and the bottom of St. Andrews Bay will be dredged to an elevation of approximately -40 feet. SES performed eighteen (18) vibracores ranging in depth from approximately 3 to 12 feet below the mudline.
Additionally, two (2) barge standard penetration borings were completed to depths of 80 feet below the mudline. These borings were performed for two mooring dolphins which will be constructed along the east dock. The dolphins will be supported by seven (7) piles having a batter of 5:1.